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Create Jira Issues From The Command Line __TOP__

I've been through documentation here according to which I'm creating a issue for JIRA . I know I'm making some terribly small mistake .I'm trying to create a new JIRA request from command line (later I'll integrate in my java code)From my Mac terminal I'm trying to run :

Create Jira Issues From The Command Line

Note that the createmeta resource has been reported to cause issues especially on larger instances. These issues have involved the size of the response or Jira running out of memory.That is why we decided to remove this endpoint in Jira 9.0. If you run Jira 8.4 or later, disable the endpoint and replace it with the other calls we've created to remedy the issue. For Jira versions earlier than 8.4, you do not need to disable the endpoint but we strongly recommend that you upgrade to a newer Jira version. Read more ....css-1wits42display:inline-block;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;line-height:1;width:16px;height:16px;.css-1wits42 >svgoverflow:hidden;pointer-events:none;max-width:100%;max-height:100%;color:var(--icon-primary-color);fill:var(--icon-secondary-color);vertical-align:bottom;.css-1wits42 >svg stopstop-color:currentColor;@media screen and (forced-colors: active).css-1wits42 >svg-webkit-filter:grayscale(1);filter:grayscale(1);--icon-primary-color:CanvasText;--icon-secondary-color:Canvas;.css-1wits42 >svgwidth:16px;height:16px;

Creating an issue using the Jira REST API is as simple as making a POST with a JSON document. To create an issue, you will need to know certain key metadata, like the ID of the project that the issue will be created in, the ID of the issue type, and which fields to fill.First, you need to decide which project to use. You can get a list of all the projects from the following endpoint:

The examples below show how to set the values for different types of custom fields in the input data.For Jira versions earlier than 8.4 you should retrieve custom field ID from the createmeta endpoint.For Jira versions 8.4 and later you should retrieve custom field ID from the /issue/createmeta/projectIdOrKey/issuetypes/issueTypeId endpoint.

Two additional URL parameters are provided in the request: startAt and maxResults. These parameters specifythe starting issue returned in the JQL results and the number of issues from that starting issue respectively.

We'll be creating a simple curl command to call our REST API endpoint.To create an issue we need to call the /rest/api/3/issue endpoint on your Jira Cloud instance.Take a look below to see how we need to structure to curl call:

This script allows users to quickly create Jira issues from the command line. The script is python3 based and uses the jira-python. The goal is to minimize the effor needed to put in simple Jira issues.

The configuration is stored in /.jira_config. This file uses ini format with a DEFAULT section for items like the Jira credentials and custom sections that can be used to create templates that can be easily called. When a custom section is called, the DEFAULT is merged with the custom section and custom section items override DEFAULT. Here are the common fields for the configuration file:

assignee = github assignee IDboard = Board name to add this issue to ( or use board_id ).board_id = Scrum board to add this issue to ( or use board).issue = issue key to process ( leave blank to create a new issue).key = the key for the project that issues will be created in.type = Issue type to create.labels = labels to assign. Labels can be in comma or space separated format. Labels can not contain spaces or commas.close = Close the issue?work = Time Spent string for the amount of work done (Examples: 30m, 1h ).

One reason many sysadmins dislike ticketing systems is due to the fact thatupdating and maintaining tickets requires a shift in focus and a breakfrom their regular workflow. To me, tickets are a great way to build anaudit trail to show that you've completed a task, and one of the best ways todemonstrate that a task is complete is to paste in the proof of your workinto comments in a ticket. Unfortunately, all of that copying and pastingcan slow things down and discourages sysadmins from updating their tickets withcommand output.

My solution to the pain of keeping tickets updated with command output is tocreate a script I can pipe output to and have it appear as a comment in theticket I specify. My tasks often generate outputinto log files, and it'snice just to pipe those log files into a script and have them show up in aticket. I generally use my create_jira_comment script like this:

As you can see in the usage output, the script can accept a number ofcommand-line arguments. The one required option is-t, which specifies thename of the ticket to which you want to add the comment. All of the other optionsare optional.

Jira is one of the most popular platforms to plan software development work and to track work. Teams use Jira to create user stories, create and assign tickets, document and track issues and bug fixes, and track the entire development cycle from conception to release.

With the Mattermost Jira plugin, using the /jira subscribe command brings up a subscription menu. This menu connects to Jira and displays the projects that are related to the user. To establish a subscription, a user simply selects a project and customizes the type of messages and notifications that they are interested in.

Sometimes a message requires the creation of a new Jira issue. The Mattermost Jira plugin allows the user to create these issues. From a Mattermost message, the user can click on More Actions (available when you hover over a message) and selecting Create Jira Issue from the menu.

In addition, a user may need to transition or assign an issue. Mattermost provides the ability to do this without context switching. These actions are done using the transition or assign slash commands (/jira transition or /jira assign) in the command line. The results of these simple commands make the necessary changes in Jira and post notifications to the appropriate channels.

JiraCLI is an interactive command line tool for Atlassian Jira that will help you avoid Jira UI to some extent. This tool is not yet considered complete but has all the essential features required to improve your workflow with Jira.

Sprints are displayed in an explorer view by default. You can output the results in a table view using the --table flag. When viewing sprint issues, you can use all filters available for the issue command. You can quickly view tickets in previous, current, and next sprint tickets using flags like --prev, --next, and --current.

The send_notification utility function can be used with a Jira integration to create an issue in Jira. For example, if a deployment fails, a ticket can be created in Jira through this integration. For more information, see Creating Jira Issues From Pipelines.

For now I stick to go-jira. It's the most powerful, most configurable alternative which can be installed as executable binary. To manage the extensive command line interface I recommend to define mnemonic keybindings. For the most often used commands it's a good idea to define functions for the shell of your choice as well.

I've been working on (and using) this command-line utility for the past few months since I was looking for a similar tool but couldn't find any to satisy my needs. It is still a work in progress and releases are not available yet but it is fairly easy to install if you have golang installed.

This solution supports a bidirectional integration between AWS Security Hub and Jira. Using this solution, you can automatically and manually create and update JIRA tickets from Security Hub findings. Security teams can use this integration to notify developer teams of severe security findings that require action.

As an administrator in Jira, import the issue-workflow.xml file to your Jira Server instance. This file can be found in the aws-securityhub-jira-software-integration repository in GitHub. For instructions, see Using XML to create a workflow (Jira documentation).

A created JIRA issue will have its ID recorded in the Linked JIRA issues list so that you can quickly navigate there from Katalon Studio. You can also edit linked JIRA issue or remove the linking of the created JIRA issue.

AWS Config can create issue entries in the Jira Service Management platform when it determines an AWS resource is noncompliant. In this blog post, I show you how to configure an AWS Config rule to create a Jira issue after the rule detects a noncompliant AWS resource. I also share Jira Service Desk configuration changes you might need to make for your Jira Service Desk project to receive Jira issues sent by an AWS Config rule remediation action.

In this blog post, I showed you how to assign and configure the AWS-CreateJiraIssue remediation action to a custom AWS Config rule from the AWS Config rules repository. This remediation action creates a Jira issue in a Jira Service Management project using the configured remediation action parameters. It passes the noncompliant resource ID to the Jira issue using the IssueDescription remediation action parameter. Use this procedure to assign and configure the AWS-CreateJiraIssue remediation action to your AWS Config rules. You might also consider using Change Manager, an AWS Systems Manager capability, to automate the change request, request approval, and automation action to remediate a noncompliant resource.

Without the Jira bot, you still can create Jira issues from a direct chat, public, or private channel. You just need to start typing /jira . It will do the same magic as described above.

For some people, this will be enough. However, a screenshot offers only a static view of the dashboard. Many users want to be able to share a live dashboard with their colleagues in Confluence. Or even create a Jira dashboard from within Confluence.


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